Every Donation helps

Support Our Community and Offerings

Arts Place is a regional provider of arts experiences to East Central Indiana and West Central Ohio through our two centers: Arts Place Blackford County Arts Center in Hartford City and Arts Place Jay County Campus in Portland, Indiana.

We rely on the support of individuals and businesses like YOU – passionate people who share our belief in the importance and value of the arts. Your support means the world to us and helps energize our mission-driven work to develop vibrant and valuable visitor experiences that engage individuals of all ages and interests in the arts community.

Thank You for supporting the arts.

Please Direct My Gift to the Following Arts Place Location(Required)
Please list your name(s) as you would like it to appear in our programs.
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Planned Giving

If you would like to make a memorial or restricted gift, a gift of stock or learn more about planned giving, please contact Carolyn Carducci at (260) 726-4809 or at executivedirector@myartsplace.org.

Arts Place is recognized as a 501(c)(3) organization by the Internal Revenue Service. Your contribution is tax deductible to the full extent of federal law.